What is PIP?
No-fault insurance was created to save money for both the insurance companies and those whom they insure. This helps alleviate the court...
Proper Lifting
Proper Lifting at Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Hi I’m Dr. Williams with Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation. Today...
Metabolic Syndrome
What Is Metabolic Syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a collection of heart disease risk factors that increase your chance of developing...
"Minor" Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA's)
After any accident, whether a slip on ice or a car accident, the damaged body begins to heal. It’s during that healing period we can...
Pain in the Butt
Pain in the Butt? Hi welcome back to Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation. I'm Dr. Williams and today we're going to talk about...
Is Sitting On a Wallet Or a Phone Bad For Your Back?
Back Problems? Many people like to have their wallet or phone close to them all day long and for good reason! It’s convenient to have the...
Do You Crack Your Own Spine?
A Word of Warning Do You Pop Your Back? Many people, particularly younger people, regularly “crack” their own spines. This is done for a...
Sugar = Immune suppression
Do you find yourself or your children getting sick a lot? Sugar might have more to do with that then you think. Did you know that...
No Magic Bullet, Pill, Patch or Drink!!
Short-Term Weight Loss? Not Healthy in the Long-Term Trying to lose weight by methods which are short-term in there thinking, or by...
Dealing With Long Term Chronic Pain Syndromes
What is Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is any pain that lasts for more than three months. The pain can become progressively worse and reoccur...