Mold Exposure and Symptoms
At Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, Doctor M. Curtis Hobson has the solution to more than just your back.  With professional, on-

Stress is universal, and it's not always bad. Whenever you jump to catch a badly thrown ball, feel especially energetic before an...

Hyperbaric Chambers
The Oxynova Series 9 hyperbaric chamber is luxury personified. It fits 2 to 3 people, whether sitting or lying down! Ideal for individuals w

Treating the Cause / Not the Symptoms
When it comes to head, back, arm, leg and general muscle and joint aches, many people treat the symptoms and not the actual cause of the...

Top 5 Steps of Filing a Personal Injury Claim
There is no one way to handle a personal injury case. Each case depends on a number of factors that differ from case to case. The type...

Beans: The Magical Fruit
To avoid stomach aches and flatulence, never eat a crunchy bean.

What to Expect From Your First Adjustment.
Your treatment program is a concerted effort between you and me.

Tight Hamstrings and What to Do With Them
Hi! Welcome to another video with Cedar City Chiropractic & Rehabilitation.

Drink Water!
Drinking water has been shown to boost energy levels, improve concentration and support weight loss.

Car Insurance Basics: Can I Buy More Coverage? Is it Worth It?
At Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehab... We have MORE than just your back!