Grapefruit Seed Extract
GSE Works! It's inexpensive, safe, natural alternative to contemporary medications.

Echinacea was the Plains Indians’ primary medicine. They applied root poultices to all manner of wounds, insect bites and stings, and snake

Hypothyroidism: A Natural Approach
What is Hypothyroidism? Thyroxin, the hormone produced by the thyroid gland, regulates the burning of cellular fuels, known as basal...

Metabolic Syndrome
What Is Metabolic Syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a collection of heart disease risk factors that increase your chance of developing...

Body Image What Do You See in the Mirror?
Body Image: One of the worst, self-defeating, things we do is to hate our own bodies. Even if they serve us well, are healthy, and are...

Ergonomics of Working Safely
One of the more common causes of injury to the lower back, affecting 80% of the adult population at some point, is due to performing a lift

Do You Crack Your Own Spine?
A Word of Warning Do You Pop Your Back? Many people, particularly younger people, regularly “crack” their own spines. This is done for a...

Sugar = Immune suppression
Do you find yourself or your children getting sick a lot? Sugar might have more to do with that then you think. Did you know that...

Drink Water!
Water, The Essential Component of Life: Everyone knows that water is an essential component of life and has many healthy benefits, yet...

Doctors of Chiropractic have always had good success in treating headaches, especially tension headaches. Our facility in Cedar City has su